Thursday, April 28, 2011

Artist Feature - Todd Stewart

Here's information about Todd in his own words... 

"Originally from Saskatchewan and residing in Montreal for nearly twenty years, I am an illustrator and a self-taught screenprinter. Since 2004 I have run Bree,ree, a small scale print studio. Photography, illustration, collage, stencil and letterpress have all found their way into my screenprinted works. My prints and posters have been seen on city streets and galleries in Canada, the United States and France.

My creative practice is improvisational and process-based, whereby I print identical images – illustrations and organic forms - many times within a given piece. This process allows me to work with these images meditatively and automatically; a composition emerges as layers are added to one another, revealing the dynamics between transparency and light. My pieces are built by exposing the control and precision of illustration to the unpredictability and chance inherent to the printmaking process.

Trained in the fields of landscape architecture and urban planning, I am acutely aware of how construction - with regards to both structure and meaning - informs my work. These abstract land and cityscapes embody both serenity and instability, resulting in a dreamlike tension from which subjective narratives can be b-orn. Working from a base of imagery culled internally - from memory, dreams, past experience - and externally - from my immediate surroundings - I create pieces that consciously allow for open interpretation and multiple perspectives. They reflect a search for meaning in unfamiliar landscapes."

 House by the Freeway

Visit Todd's Etsy shop for more of his eye catching work

1 comment:

  1. Great work! The little house by the freeway reminds me of a children's picture book where the house started out in the country, and as time and change went on suddenly instead of hills next to it, it found skyscrapers, etc.
